Žurnalo Miškininkystė viršelis  Peer reviewed scientific journal issued by the Institute of Forestry, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry and
Aleksandras Stulginskis University
ISSN 1392-2041
UDK 630



The scientific journal „Miškininkystė” is being published from 1994, continuing the traditions of the „Proceedings of the Lithuanian Forest Research Institute“ which have been issued annually in the period from 1956 to 1993. The journal is financed from the State Budget and from budgets of the Institute of Forestry, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry and Aleksandras Stulginskis University The journal „Miškininkystė” publishes original scientific papers, review papers and short reports on forestry, forest ecology, forest genetics, gene conservation, and tree breeding, reforestation and afforestation, forest typology, forest soil science and hydrology, forest economy, forest inventory and management, forest health and protection, phytopatology, entomology, game management, etc. Contributions should be in Lithuanian, English and Russian. The Journal is published two times a year, June (No.1) and December/January (No.2). „Miškininkystė” is abstracted in „CABI Publishing Forestry Abstracts“, „Lithuanian Science Abstracts“ and in databases „Forest Science Database“, „CAB direct“, Index Copernicus sp.z o.o. The journal is included into the list of Lithuanian scientific journals which includes the research articles that are recognised to provide a doctoral degree; the list is approved by Lithuanian Science Council. The Editorial board especially invites PhD students and young researchers to publish important research results and review papers in this journal. It is a great opportunity to introduce the ideas and studies to Lithuanian foresters, forest ecologists and scientists.



All papers are reviewed by at least two reviewers. Reviewers can stay anonymous. Editorial Board does the final decision on the acceptance for publication Editorial board do not accept the studies that previously were published or submitted elsewhere. If the material of the paper is published, authors must notify the Editors and to provide printed copy.


